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Network Testing and Repair Centers

List of Specific Industries

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North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes for this industry

[ 238210 ] = Electrical contractors and other wiring installation contractors – Computer and network cable installation

[ 423690 ] = Other electronic parts and equipment merchant wholesalers – Computer boards, unloaded, merchant wholesalers; Computer chips merchant wholesalers; Printed circuit boards merchant wholesalers; circuits, integrated, merchant wholesalers; Electronic parts (e.g., condensers, connectors, switches) merchant wholesalers; Semiconductor devices merchant wholesalers; Transistors merchant wholesalers; Unloaded computer board merchant wholesalers

[ 541350 ] = Building inspection services — Home inspection services

[ 541512 ] = Computer systems design services – Local area network (LAN) computer systems integration design services

[ 811412 ] = Appliance repair and maintenance — Appliance, household-type, repair and maintenance services without retailing new appliances

Industry Description

Present-day appliance repair shops may be expanded in the future to offer home network repair services.  Specialized equipment, training, and continuing education for home network repairs may represent a significant investment for small repair shops.

In the future, home networks may need to tested to ensure compliance with standards and protocols.  There may be new problems that cannot be detected without testing.  For wireless applications, routine tests may be for the detection of signal contamination or intentional bugging and surveillance.  Since such problems may be difficult to detect, network testing and  diagnosis (to detect where corruption has entered a system and what are the sources) may need to be repeated regularly.
