Building a National Nonprofit
Our task is to avoid problematic business failures and to go directly to excellent leadership techniques. We will begin in the middle – so to speak – training our employees and expecting them to use these management systems. “In the middle” refers to asking each new employee (and volunteer) to apply lessons they have learned from previous work and life experiences to this Q-E environment.
The objective is to combine the quality management philosophy of W. Edwards Deming with the Zapp! Empowerment of William C. Byham. Stated simply, our goal is to use Byham empowerment to implement Deming quality management. You probably have noticed common elements in both systems. And it is probably true that full dedication and implementation of either system will help THNC become a world-class organization.
There may also be information available elsewhere to help new organizations. The challenge for THNC is to avoid the pitfalls of bad management practices and begin with full implementation of both systems. Purity may be compromised, because even young employees will carry into our organization some residue from previous employment with companies dedicated to quantity management concepts. Such environments are not Zapp! and not Quality Management.
Start-up Concepts
Wood Badge training (advanced adult leader training, Boy Scouts of America) includes many ideas about empowering young leaders to share their leadership opportunities with others. THNC will use these methods, too. Although not age-specific, the challenge is to replace poor, less productive habits with better ones and “grow” better leaders.
What People are Saying.