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Creative Financial Support

List of Specific Industries

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North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes for this industry

[ 522110 ] = Commercial banking — Banks, commercial

[ 522292 ] = Real estate credit — Federal land banks

[ 522298 ] = All other nondepository credit intermediation — Banks, industrial (i.e., known as), nondepository

Industry Description

In the future, there may develop a complex system to underwrite home network costs.  Home networks may be classified as real property instead of personal property; as such, home network expenses may be covered by home mortgages.

Specific applications or special uses of technology may also qualify for financial support.  Home networks may qualify home owners for lower insurance premiums.  Ongoing geriatric care or in-home emergency medical monitoring facilitated by home networks may qualify seniors for reduced Medicare expenses.  Advances in technology that produce better home networks may cause cost reductions in unexpected parts of our society that leads to higher quality of life for more people.  Intelligent systems may work in unexpected ways to solve problems we and society didn’t know were there.
