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Computer Specialty Stores

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North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes for this industry

[ 443120 ] = Computer and software stores — Computer equipment stores

[ 811211 ] = Consumer electronics repair and maintenance — Cameras repair shops without retailing new cameras

[ 811212 ] = Computer and office machine repair and maintenance — Computer equipment repair and maintenance services without retailing new computers

[ 811213 ] = Communication equipment repair and maintenance — Communications equipment repair and maintenance services

Industry Description

Today, stores online and near where you live are exciting places to visit.  You are likely to find everything that’s new, the very latest of everything in computing and peripherals.

In the future, computer specialty stores may even more exciting.  There may be traditional stand-alone devices for all of your independent applications.  In addition, these stores may be excellent sources of home network products, systems, and knowledgeable advice.  Such stores may draw upon the evolution of computer technology and products to continue in business.  It is reasonable to assume that advanced designs for home networks may also be present in many other digital applications.  That is to say your independent application may also have intelligence or be set up to be an extension of your home network.  If computer specialty stores see ongoing profits from home network sales, there is likely to be ongoing support for future products.  It is also be possible that computer specialty stores in the future might be indistinguishable from those stores that carry only home networking products.
