List of Specific Industries
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North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes for this industry
[ 423690 ] = Other electronic parts and equipment merchant wholesalers – Computer boards, unloaded, merchant wholesalers; Computer chips merchant wholesalers; Printed circuit boards merchant wholesalers; circuits, integrated, merchant wholesalers; Electronic parts (e.g., condensers, connectors, switches) merchant wholesalers; Semiconductor devices merchant wholesalers; Transistors merchant wholesalers; Unloaded computer board merchant wholesalers
[ 238210 ] = Electrical contractors and other wiring installation contractors – Computer and network cable installation
[ 541512 ] = Computer systems design services – Local area network (LAN) computer systems integration design services
Industry Description
Today, there are ongoing projects for voice recognition, speech synthesis, and translations to other languages. In the future, understanding difficulties inherent in translating local dialects and cultural context processing may become some of the most difficult challenges for intelligent computers.
What People are Saying.